
Our Experience.

The background of DFS.

Decision Free Solutions has been developed by Jorn Verweij, but not out of thin air.

The fundament of Decision Free Solutions.

Decision Free Solutions is the first and only systematic and generic approach to achieve your desired outcome against minimal risk by avoiding decision making. The inspiration and the two models which form the fundament for DFS stem from Dr. Dean Kashiwagi, the originator of the Best Value Approach (BVA).

Jorn Verweij’s experience with BVA is summarised as follows:

  • First to run a (90M USD) Best Value Procurement project in innovative (medical) technology (see case)
  • Presenter at Best Value Conference 2015, 2016, keynote speaker in 2016
  • Co-authored two articles with Dr. Dean Kashiwagi (1, 2)
  • Reviewer for the journal  run by Dr. Dean Kashiwagi’s Performance Based Studies Research Group
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Our Activities.

Decision Free Solutions in action

Learn about our current activities to promote and implement Decision Free Solutions.

Decision Free Solutions activities

An overview of current activities:

  • Working on textbook with working title: “Achieve your aims with fewer resources by avoiding decision making — in Organisations, (Project) Management, Sales and Procurement;  Everybody can manage risk, only few can minimise it” (see chapter “On decision making“).
  • Implementation of method of Decision Free Procurement (see publication).
  • Implementation of method of Decision Free Birthing (see case).
  • Publications on (the misguided concept of) shared decision making in healthcare.
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Workshops & Speaking

Decision Free Workshops.

A hands-on approach

Decision Free Solutions is not a way of thinking, it is a way of doing things differently. In any field, including yours.


The Decision Free Workshop applies the approach to your situation and will result in a tangible outcome. Contact us to describe your interests and your particular situation. The rest will follow. Below two examples of Decision Fee workshops.

Workshop Decision Free Sales
The challenge of vendors selling complex technology is almost always the same: how to communicate your expertise to prospective clients whose eyes glaze over the moment you start to talk about what excites you. In the Workshop Decision Free Sales a vendor of complex technology provided its standard ‘slide show’ used to communicate its unique selling point for analysis. The conclusion arrived at was that the material did not communicate expertise. The workshop produced 12 ways the vendor could communicate expertise.

Workshop Decision Free Procurement
A national bank was to procure software and wanted to learn more about Decision Free Procurement. For the workshop they provided a document describing their aims and their intended market consultation strategy. The outcome of the workshop was that their market consultation amounted to discrimination of certain vendors and that the aims of their tender included details and requirements that restricted the utilisation of available expertise within the market.

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Let’s talk Decision Free Solutions!

Learn how DFS can change your life.

Decision Free Solutions changes the way you will think about decisions, about the way you work and live your life.

Speaker engagements

Decision Free Solutions is a systematic and generic approach. It can be applied in any field, in any situation. Speaking engagements are offered for any public, for any field. On existing methods such as DF Procurement, DF Sales, DF Management, DF Birthing, but also entirely new ones. Get in touch and the rest will follow.

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Other services

Decision Free Healthcare

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Workshops and Speaker Engagements

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Decision Free Birthing

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Interested to learn more about how Decision Free Solutions achieves results against minimal risk in practice? Read one of our cases.

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‘DF Procurement of innovative technology.’

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‘DF Lean overcoming resistance.’

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‘Decision Free Birthing put in practice.’

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DFS helps you to become a High Performance Organisation

Many organisations want to improve organisational performance and strive to become recognised as a High Performance Organisation (HPO), but what is it, and what benchmarks to use? Decision Free Solutions explains what an HPO is, and how you can become (as well as recognise) one.

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The alternative to decision making is transparency.

Decisions are conclusions or resolutions reached after consideration (the Oxford dictionary definition of ‘decision’). When something needs to be considered it means it is not transparent. Create transparency and what follows are not decisions but ‘the logical next step’. When something is transparent you don’t have to think. Transparency allows decisions to be replaced by approvals.

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Leadership performance is easy to predict.

In every leadership-role the aim is to create the conditions to achieve the aims against minimal risk. The needed combination of experience and skills is always different. Simple observations help to identify the right person.

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Everybody can manage risk, only few can minimise it.

In every organisation there are both identified and unidentified risks. Unidentified risks occur e.g. when aims are not clearly understood, when it is unclear whether the right expertise is available, or used appropriately. All of which results in decision making. To manage identified risks is straightforward, to minimise risk you must avoid decision making. Which is what an expert does. But what does it take to become an expert?

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To stay ahead, freeing up resources beats cutting cost.

In good times it may be relatively easy to make profits. In bad times relying on quality alone can be challenging. But the approach of “cutting cost” will affect the quality of your solution, and margins will get affected. Implementing DFS improves the utilisation of available expertise, improving quality and (thus) bringing cost down. This is how expert organisations stay ahead of competition, and retain healthy margins.

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That decisions increase risk is not semantics, it is logic.

That decisions increase risk follows from the dictionary definition and use of logic. Few experience decisions in this way, for various obvious reasons. Many unsubstantiated choices are made based on experience or are educated guesses. We get a lot of decisions right. When the risk does occur, usually much later, we often fail to make the link with the decision. What is more, making decisions often makes us feel good. But the risk is still for real.

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